Breaking blog silence at Pentecost for some glorious stuff

As we approach Pentecost I am loving this prayer by Sister Joan Chittister

May the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
bring fire to the earth
so that the presence of God
may be seen
in a new light,
in new places,
in new ways.

May our own hearts
burst into flame
so that no obstacle,
no matter how great,
ever obstructs the message
of the God within each of us.

May we come to trust
the Word of God in our heart,
to speak it with courage,
to follow it faithfully
and to fan it to flame in others.

May the Jesus
who filled women
with his Holy Spirit
fill the world and the church
with new respect
for women’s power and presence.

Give me, Great God,
a sense of the Breath of Spirit
within me as I…
(State the intention
in your own life at this time
for which you are praying.)


God always surprises me. I seem to remember back in January, on a gloomy day blue sky thinking with the RE teacher at the middle school (500 kids aged 9 to 13) that it would be fun to do an RE reflection day on the theme of Pentecost. I didn’t really expect her to be able to persuade the staff to do RE workshops let alone get the head to collapse the timetable for the day.

But….She is fab! On Monday we will be celebrating Pentecost in a big way. Lots of workshops and 2 communion services in church.

So here’s how I’m finishing off Joan’s prayer to make it mine

Give us Great God, a sense of the Breath of Spirit within us, as we join together to celebrate the birth of your church.

…and Lord, make the day fun for both children and staff; move amongst us with your transforming live giving Spirit

….oh and also I could do with some extra help with the eucharist so a bit of inspiration for who to ask and boldness to do so would be good too!


About gloriousthings

Rural Rector
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